I also borrowed a few things from his trainer, including the Vehicle Rockets and Car Speedup.
Thanks to Alexander Blade for both the Scripthook and the asi loader. K + Num 9 Toggle Night/Thermal/Normal vision I + Num 0 Vehicle Rotation each press 90 degrees Num 4 / Dpad left Rotate counter clock wiseį10 + 0/9 Save current position to teleport slot Num 0 Back to Main Menu Controller: B button Num 8 Scroll Menu Options Up Controller: Dpad Up Num 2 Scroll Menu Options Down Controller: Dpad Down Num 6 Scroll Menu Up Controller: Dpad Right Num 4 Scroll Menu Down Controller: Dpad Left The trainer also supports input by controller.į3 Display Menu Controller: RB + X buttonīackspace Cancel Menu Controller: RB +X button Simple Trainer for GTAV which is the successor of the Simple Trainer for GTAIV ( ).